Diocesan and Parish/School Volunteer Requirements

If you are interested in being a volunteer for our parish or school, you will need to complete several requirements in order to be in compliance with our Diocesan policies for Safe Environments for Children (Virtus).  A potential volunteer must be in compliance in all of these areas before they will be allowed to volunteer:

  1. Go to www.virtus.org and click on Registration.  During the registration process, you can sign up for a Live Virtus Training Session, which is one of the requirements.
  2. Contact the Parish Office at (859) 431-1802 or [email protected] to set up a meeting with the Volunteer Coordinator, currently Deacon Bob Stoeckle.  You will receive two forms, which should be filled out and returned to the Parish Office
  3. You will need to complete a background check through your Virtus account. The cost for the background check is $50.

After you are “approved” by doing all of the above, you will be asked to read a monthly bulletin on the Virtus website.  The bulletins are posted on the first Sunday of each month.  You have 30 days to complete the bulletin.  If you go beyond 30 days, your Training tab will disappear, which means you are suspended and you cannot volunteer.

Please note that the above is required for all volunteers.  If you have any questions about these requirements, please call the Parish Office at (859) 431-1802 or email [email protected].

Why are we doing this?

  1. It is a Diocesan policy mandated by our Bishop.
  2. So that we can be informed as to how to protect children and/or vulnerable adults and provide a safe environment for them.
  3. So volunteers can grow in their awareness of professional expectations and conduct.
  4. So volunteers can be as professional as possible and have a habit of good practices, so as to protect themselves.