

Baptism is the sacrament through which a person receives new life that is found in Jesus Christ.  Through baptism a person’s membership in the Catholic Church is established.  It is the first sacrament and must be received before any other sacrament.  The ritual of baptism begins the process of a person’s initiation into the community of Christian believers.  Full membership into the Catholic Church is then completed with the reception of the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist and the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation.  The Sacrament of Baptism can only be received once over the course of a person’s life.

The Celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism at Saint Agnes Church

Infant Baptism
After the birth of a child, when Catholic parents determine they are ready, they present the child for the Sacrament of Baptism.  Since this sacrament is a person’s entrance into the Catholic community, it is expected that the parents are registered members of the parish.

As a norm the Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated every Sunday at 12:00 p.m.  Before a date can be reserved in the parish calendar, the parents must attend a Baptism Preparation Class.  The class is offered on the second Wednesday of January, March, May, July, September, and November at 7:00 p.m. and is held in the Parish Conference Room.  To register for the class and/or for information about baptisms at Saint Agnes Church, please contact the Parish Office at (859) 431-1802 or pa**********@sa********.com.

The Baptism of Children 8 Years and Up
A child who is 8 years old or older, before being baptized, is required to receive instruction about the Catholic faith.  For more information, please contact Anita Dunn, Coordinator of Religious Education, at (859) 431-1802 or ad***@sa********.com.

Adult Baptism
Non-baptized adults who desire to be baptized into the Catholic faith are enrolled in the parish OCIA program and receive baptism at the Easter Vigil (the night before Easter Sunday).  For more information, please contact Mark Nutter, Coordinator of OCIA, at (859) 431-1802 or mn*****@sa********.com.