First Communion
The life of the Catholic Church revolves around the celebration of Eucharist. The Eucharist, given by Jesus Christ to the Church at the Last Supper, makes real the ongoing mystery of the Church’s communion with our loving God. It is the food of eternal life. In the celebration of the Eucharist (also called The Mass) the faithful hear the Word of God and receive the Body of Christ, which was given up for them and the Blood of Christ, which was poured out for them. Hearing the Word along with receiving the Bread of Life and the Cup of Salvation nourishes the soul and continues the believer’s transformation in Christ.
On Sunday, the day of the resurrection, the faithful are obligated to gather for and participate in the celebration of the Eucharist. Here at Saint Agnes Church the Eucharist is also celebrated on all the other days of the week, though at these times participation by the faithful is not required but is encouraged.
Since Eucharist is a sacrament which expresses and sustains unity and communion, only members of the Catholic community who are in good standing and are properly disposed are permitted to receive this sacrament.
The Celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist at Saint Agnes Church
When a young person enters the 2nd year of grade school, an invitation is extended by the parish to consider receiving the Sacrament of First Holy Communion. Preparation is provided as part of the grade school curriculum and also through the CCD program (for Catholic children attending a non-Catholic grade school). First Holy Communion is received as a class in early May at Saint Agnes Church.
Arrangements for older Catholic children and Catholic adults to receive their First Holy Communion can be made by contacting Anita Dunn, Coordinator of Religious Education, at (859) 431-1802 or ad***@sa********.com.
Non-Catholic and non-baptized adults who desire to receive this sacrament are enrolled in the parish OCIA program and receive their First Holy Communion at the Easter Vigil (the night before Easter Sunday). Questions can be directed to Mark Nutter, Coordinator of OCIA, at (859) 431-1802 or mn*****@sa********.com